Power converters are considered as a boon for the modern technical sectors. In fact, not only in the technical sectors but also in other parts, converters are vividly used to convert the powers from one range to another. There are different kinds of converters, like – AC to DC converters DC to DC converters DC to AC converters AC to AC converters Certainly, the activities of the converters are naturally different and therefore, it is better not to mingle them altogether. We are here to discuss about AC to DC converter devices. Let’s find out how it works. How do the AC to DC converters work? AC current is alternative current, which moves in a to and fro motion. On the other hand, DC current is direct current that flows in a continual motion. However, you should know that the main power source that flows to the industrial sector is always the AC current. You may ask, why so. The reason is the dissipation of the DC current that hampers its flow. The rate...