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Rugged DC DC Converter- Making Power More Powerful

With each passing day, emerging technologies and energy solutions are getting more developed and closer to being the mainstay of day-to-day life. Electrical energy, for instance is more practical at present than theoretical it was few decades back. With development activities at its extreme, converter is taking the more advanced form and has accelerated the activities of modern civilization. One such invention in the electrical sector is the rugged DC DC converter which are the electromechanical devices converting a source of DC from one voltage stage to another one. The power varies from a smaller unit as in the case of battery to high voltage power transmission.
Before the modernization of power semiconductors and its subsidiaries, the only way to convert the voltage of direct current to higher voltage for low power consuming appliances was to convert it to AC first followed by a step-up transformer and rectifier. This involved a larger set up and was not cost effective. The introduction of power semiconductors and integrated circuits reduced both the cost and space.

Rugged DC DC Converter

DC-to-DC Converters- Playing its Role in Major Segment

Custom made DC to DC converters are used mostly in running portable devices like cell phones, laptops that are backed up by batteries. Such electronic devices contain several miniature circuits and sub-circuits, each specified with their own voltage level. The battery output voltage declines with stored energy getting reduced with passage of time. Such converters also regulate the output voltage with few exceptions being the Light Emitting Diodes. The converters are developed on full fledge to be used in photovoltaic cells in power optimizers. Transformers operating on DC-to-DC theory operate on higher frequencies.

AC-to-DC Converters- Its Usage & Application

AC to DC converters is generally termed as rectifiers in electrical world. Such devices are designed in a way that it can convert AC to DC by periodically reversing the direction of alternating current. Custom made AC to DC converters take several forms like vacuum tubes, semiconductor diodes and many more.

The main function of AC to DC converters is to derive DC from an alternate current source. As far as devices are concerned, electronic devices require direct current. So, at present, rectifiers are used extensively inside the power supplies of all electronic components. Apart from all this usage, a rectifier is also used to detect amplitude modulated radio signals which might be amplified before their detection. It has also found its usage in welding shop.

As far as electrical and electronic devices remain to play a vital role in the life of people, rugged DC DC converter will play its major role throughout. As most of the devices are included and based on its theory. Research and development is still underway to give a revamp look to the electronic gadgets and equipments equipped with it.


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