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Trends You Need to Know about Railway DC DC Converters

Electronics systems in railway applications are made to cope up with the challenges of worst environmental conditions. For example, the equipment should be suitable in high temperatures and also in the heavy vibration. These electronic systems required DC DC power converter (also known as voltage converter or linear converter). It can perform safely and reliably in harsh environments. That is why; the demand of this converter is increasing. Due to this reason, the specialists of power supplies designed this converter with a new mode by following the latest technology. This converter is used not only in Australia, but it is also used in worldwide railway systems.

Used of voltage converter in various industries

The dedicated engineers have a deep knowledge of railway systems. When you purchase the regulated railway dc dc converters, go to the suppliers who meet all the relevant demands of your power supplies application. Australia’s power supplies companies are optimizing power solutions for the railway applications. They have launched a new series of extra wide input voltage range for the railway and transportation industry. They have been providing the new series of the linear converter so that it can power a large range of transportation industry applications. This converter is not only serving the transportation industry but also the automation, automotive and remote-radio control.

Features of linear converters

The system designers are facing challenges to manufacturing many different series of the power converter. All models of the new series feature full protection level inclosing input voltage lockout, short-circuit protection, under and overvoltage lockout, over-temperature protection, energy saving, remote power control,  and others. In such a converter the operating temperature range is from -40 to +85 degrees C ambient. It has an efficiency of 86%. It is made with the aluminum baseplate.

The railway has modernized with new technology so that it introduces some new application of high power Australian power products such as onboard WI-FI, GSM, LTE, Video systems. These all need efficient and flexible power solutions. Due to this, the engineers have specifically designed the voltage converter.  With the rising demand for this converter for security in addition to communication and traveler comfort, the new generation trains are required the proficient power supplies. The new series converter making and maintenance are easier than the traditional one.

Which converter is suitable for your application?

Choosing the correct linear converter for railway applications can be a challenging job. You may get a little confused when you are selecting this converter. However, to keep in mind your requirements, choose the board-mounted bricks which have efficiency and power density. The new series of the converter is available in a variety of sizes. This is easier to manage the smaller voltage converter. The small converter is not only less costly, but also it is more efficient.

The power density, efficiency, and operating environment all affect a system’s thermal management. You can add a fan for forced air-cooling. But adding up a fan also adds charge sound and maintenance task. Running the system at a higher temperature is always risky. But the new series of railway dc dc converters for power supply can automatically cool off without the fan. A base plate is used to put in the feature of cooling, where slight or no airflow is present. The base plate and required air-cooling may also be used to get the maximum probable output. Today’s linear converter has all the protection, so they blackout with over-temperature or any additional faulty circumstances. 

There are wide variations of the linear converter in today’s environment. When you are ready to buy this converter, make a conversation with your preferred suppliers. With the understanding of its feature buy the most cost-effective solution. If you prefer this converter with a wide input range, you might be able to use the same product in supplementary applications. You will be befitted for this. 


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